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My name is Sara Chevallier and I came to Restoration House Ministries on November 13 2017. When I entered the program I was an IV meth addict and Alcoholic that needed healing . . .
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I was scared and not sure what to think. I was in a new place and had no clue who anyone was. I had to keep reminding myself that I was in a safe place and I was here for healing. Looking back, I see why inpatient rehabs never worked and neither did outpatient programs... their main focus was Addiction is a “disease.” Those programs never got to the root of our addiction.
Coming to RHM taught me that there was a root cause to my addiction. My root cause was grief. I had lost my 11 month old son, my sister, my father, and my grandmother whom I was very close to. I was never taught how to grieve in a healthy way. The only way I knew how to grieve was to self medicate and that was not the way to go. Self medicating only led to more problems. It never fixed the problem.
Now when anniversary dates of a loved one that passed away comes around, I am able to grieve in a healthy way, and knowing that one day I will see them again really helps. When I came to RHM, I was able to get the healing I needed. RHM taught me how to talk to God about how I’m feeling. When things were bothering me I was to take it to the Lord first. RHM never judged me because of my past. When I would open up to my resident coordinator about stuff I did to my family and to my children, they didn’t look down on me. They prayed with me and helped me through the pain and the healing. I was able to forgive myself as well as others who have hurt me in my past.
RHM has helped change my life. I have learned that my past does not determine my future and there is a God in heaven who created us for a purpose. He is a God who heals broken hearts, and a God of restoration. Our God is a God of grace, love, and mercy.
Hello, my name is Christy and I am 21 years old. I spent 9 months in the care of Restoration House Ministries as a resident and student. My decision to come to RHM was a tough but necessary decision that changed my life radically...
My whole life I believed lies as a result of things I was told or things I told myself, my lies started at a very early age after being sexually abused by someone very close to me. The abuse went on for many years but ended when I was 15 years old. When the abuser left I began to abuse myself. I followed a path filled with drugs, violence, and alcohol.Read More
From the age of 18 to 20 I was living out of a backpack, sleeping on various couches, going home occasionally. I wanted desperately for my family to approve of my life but no matter how hard I tried, I felt like I failed them, and I too felt like I had been failed by them. In my mind, everyone I ever knew failed me, including God. I was hurt and believed that no one cared about me because growing up no one saw what was happening to me behind closed doors and worse, I didn’t think anyone cared to know. Everyone knew something was wrong but no one ever asked.
I was also told that I would be an addict for the rest of my life and that there was no way to change the person that I had become. I believed every word. My hope for a future was stolen from me and I embraced the life that was set before me, a life God never intended for me. I gave up on hoping for myself and multiple times I tried to end my own life. I wanted to die without feeling anything. Looking back, it seems silly because or how many drugs I had taken, I could always feel my broken heart. The pain that was there, never went away.
In the middle of all of this mess called my life, God found me and picked me up. After a series of life events, God led me to Restoration House Ministries.
During the 9 months in the program, I was shown that there is a Love that can be compared to no other thing. I was walked step by step into the life that God had planned for me, which was wholeness, spiritually, mentally and physically. I look back at all the days I should have died and I know I have a Savior who cares. All the years I thought He abandoned me and left me for dead, He was actually carrying me through.
After 9 months in the program, I made a decision based on God’s leading to stay at RHM as the resident coordinator. I never experienced life like I have in the more recent days. The women of Restoration House Ministries taught me the most valuable lessons in this world. I learned how to go to God with my issues and how to apply God’s word to my life. One of the things I hold most valuable is that they taught me how to maintain stability in God and not be tossed around by my own thoughts. Now I not only get to see that fruit produce in my life but also in the girls that I now get the opportunity to teach.